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DIMITRIS / Uploaded files / ENB mods for GTA 4
TheMegaRang ENB Final V2
Description: - Lighting has been improved in the final version - Now the sky looks even better - The night looks like a real night - The mod works on version - New trees - Roads look good too Make a backup before installing ...
M-ENB - Photorealistic on new definition
Description: This mod works on, it is possible on others too. -This mod changes the atmosphere of GTA 4 to an even better one; -Textures are well drawn; -Road, vegetation, water, houses also look real; -Cars also look better; -Shadows are c...
[ENB] iCE 2.0N + DP3 + SweetFX Hybrid
Description: Modification works on Combined iCENHANCER 2.0n parts with ENB DPeasant3 in configuration and then added SweetFX for color correction. - Very cool all the details. -Shadows look even better now. -The sky also looks cool. -Cars w...
iCEnhancer 2.1-yeahatnet Revision V3.2
Changes in V3.2 -New FXAA -New Reflection -New SSAOs Only for version Description: -New sky, new clouds. -New trees. -Good shadows -The road looks fine -The cars look really cool. ...
Arun's -ENB for low end PC v4.0
Version 2.0 -Changed color. -More specular. Version 3.0 -Real reflection. -More FPS - Depth of field will be fixed in another version. Version 4.0 -New Timecyc. - Adjusted depth of field. -Correct shadows. Description: -This mod changes the graphi...
Pramkies ENB Modified
ENB works on version, unknown on others. Features: This mod improves the graphics to be more realistic. Textures are well drawn. The road, vegetation, water, houses also look real. The cars also look better. The shadows are cle...
Arun's-Reflection ENB for all PC
Features: Realistic textures of roads, plants, houses, water. New reflections on cars. Beautiful sky. It's not light at night. Cool reflections happen at 18.00 Test on patch GT 520 2GB 4 GB DDR3 RAM Core2Duo E7500...
GTA IV Graphics Mod 2013 Edition
Please back up your files before reading and installing! Installation: Select your version of the game and place it in the folder with your chosen version in the game folder. Works on and Features: Very cool ENB. Everything...
M3rT Settings v3.0 (Nice Graphics and Max FPS)
Description: -This mod makes the graphics in GTA 4 even more real -Plants look real -Cars look very cool -Roads look cool too -The sky is very beautiful -Good shadows -The houses look cool Well, let's look at the screenshots ...
ENB for Low - Mid end PC's Update #2
Works on, unknown on others, you can check. Description: Improved lighting; Everything looks real; Good reflections; It's not light at night; The cars look beautiful; Beautiful living creatures; The roads look cool too. ...