My first mafia pack was very terrible and ugly, because I did it when I didn’t understand anything in 3d max yet. But now I have become more experienced. Behold my dear ones. Three friends from Mafia The City Of Lost Heaven: Paulie, Sam and Tommy. R...
Carlo Falconet from Mafia 2. In the archive one model and two textures. Ordinary (Clear) and Bloody (Blood). Have a good game. I did at the request of one user (The one who brought my brain about Lucca Gurino).
In general, after going through Vice City again, I decided to make Tommy Vercetti for Gta San. I did it for myself, but I decided to post it here (Suddenly someone needs it). No bugs seem to be found. I will ask some of the "characters" not to write ...
Happy holiday to you, and his name is May 9. On this day, the Red Army defeated Germany. For the holiday, I decided to do something like mods on this topic. Here's your soldier. Have a good game. Soon I will make a soldier of the red army.
Mafia Sounds - Replacing the standard walking sounds with sounds from Mafia The City Of Losh Heaven. Instructions and program in the archive. It will be useful to all fans of the mafia. The sounds are just great. Suitable for Role Play servers. ...
This is the second version of Vito in the clothes of a tough mobster. There were a lot of bugs in the first version (Something stuck out, etc.). In the same version, I fixed it all. Now it will be more pleasant to play twice. Have a nice game