AK-47 Type 56 (SA Style) for GTA San Andreas The 7.62 mm Type 56 submachine gun is a Chinese submachine gun, which is a licensed copy of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Now this type of Kalashnikov is available in LQ quality for your GTA San Andreas...
Self-loading carbine Simonov (SA Style) for GTA San Andreas The 7.62 mm Simonov self-loading carbine is a Soviet self-loading carbine designed by Sergei Simonov, put into service in 1949. Now this carbine can be used against your enemies in GTA San...
Features: ~ All models are made from 0! ~ Some of them have TXD resolution at 512x512 and 256x256! ~ Low Quality! ~ Great in hand! The arsenal includes: AKM AKS-74 AK-74M AKS-74U (Black and wood version) MC-255 Makarov pistol (PM)...
AK47 SA Style. The shape of the forend, the shape of the butt, the shape of the receiver, the length and shape of the barrel are different. The shape is close to the real AK. Features: ~ TXD is optional. ~ Low Poly. ...
AKS 74 SA Style. Alteration is prohibited! Distribution only with the permission of the author! (site) Replacement: AK-47. Features: ~ Sits exactly in the hands of the character! ~ Appropriate scale! Cred: Buffer...
AKM. Not without jambs, of course. Alteration is prohibited! Distribution only with the permission of the author! (site) Replacement: AK-47. Features: ~ Sits exactly in the hands of the character! ~ Qualitative scale! Cred: Buffer...