Today (July 30), a new in-game event is expected to start in Red Dead Online, offering players various rewards, as well as triple the amount of experience and money.
A Red Dead Online event with bonuses and rewards for collectors
Event features:
Triple rewards (RDO$ and experience) for collectors;
Triple role experience for finding collectible items;
Triple experience for free roam missions;
Double gold, RDO$, and experience for featured series;
Black patterned bandana as a reward for logging in;
American Wild Flowers collector's map for finding a fossil;
Black Macbay jacket for completing collector's tasks for three consecutive days;
Free emote for completing daily tasks for three consecutive days;
Purple Gardenia hat for "Condor Egg" or "Salvage";
Weekly rewards for finding three collectible items;
Featured series;
5 gold bars discount on the collector's bag;
50% discount on the Aguila machete;
40% discount on collector's maps, Pennington Field shovel, metal detector, and some other items;