Good news everyone! Three new hardcore telegram missions were added to Red Dead Online. They are truly a challenge for some players. Enemies are not visible on your mini-map, and you won't have any aim assistance.
Новые задания:
The first mission – Good and Dead – you are assigned to kill a target in Saint Denis. You'll only be given a description of their last known outfit. Josiah will pay you according to how cleanly you can dispose of your mark — avoid alerting him, his gang members, and becoming wanted by the law for maximum rewards.
The second mission – Frontier Justice – you need to wipe out the Del Lobos gang from Armadillo and free the gang's hostages.
The third mission – Cold Day in Hell – your task is to steal local gang's plans for their next robbery. A small group holed itself up in Colter.
This week bonuses:
2X XP on all races;
An extra 50% RDO$ & Role XP on Trader and Moonshine Sales;
A Reward for 25 Trader Goods and a Mash Refill for Traders and Moonshiners who return to play RDO this week;
Traders and Moonshiners who are also members of The Quick Draw Club No. 3 will receive a Reward for a Trader Resupply, and a Reward for 2,000 Moonshiner XP.
Destroying 3 Revenue Agent Roadblocks this week will result in receiving an Offer for 40% off an Established or Distinguished Moonshiner Role Item;
Butcher Table and Moonshine Shack are 5 Gold Bars cheaper than usual;
30% off the cost of all Race Horses and Stable Stalls;
Traders above Rank 10 can save 40% when purchasing the Hunting Wagon;
All Trader Cosmetic Role Items are 30% off;
Moonshine Shack — both Upgrades & Themes are 30% off;