In GTA Online, until May 15, you can earn extra money by completing missions in the “Yachts” series. The developers also brought peyote back into the game, this time turning it into sea animals.
Completing one mission from the “Yacht” series will bring you GTA$100,000. By completing three more of these quests, players will receive twice as much money.
In addition, peyote can be found at the bottom of the sea. This time, eating them turns into a dolphin, a stingray, a hammerhead shark, an orca and a tiger shark.
Quests with increased rewards and experience:
“Evacuation” mode tasks;
Finding caches at the bottom of the sea.
Salvage Yard Robberies:
Överflöd Autarch;
Dinka Jester Classic;
Annis Hellion.
In the LS Auto Club Race Series, you can win a Vapid GB200 for two wins in a row.
Replenishment of the Luxury Autos car dealership:
Grotti Turismo Omaggio;
Vapid Dominator GT.
There are also 30% discounts on boats, Galaxy yachts, a sonar station for Kosatka and the Kraken Avisa submarine. The price of Pegassi Torero XO, Grotti Furia, Ocelot Locust and Ocelot Swinger has been reduced.
Let us remind you that recently data miners found hints on an imminent announcement for GTA 6 on the Rockstar Games website.