Rockstar Games has released a GTA Online trailer dedicated to the upcoming 10th anniversary celebration of Grand Theft Auto 5. In the trailer, the developers showcased what they will give to gamers for this event.
Players who log in to GTA Online before September 27th will receive canonical costumes of Michael, Trevor, and Franklin from GTA 5, named "The Retired Criminal", "The Homie", and "The Groupie ". Additionally, weapon skins will be given for the Micro SMG, Carbine, and RPG, titled "Employee of the Month", "Suede Bucks", and "Uncle T". As a bonus, gamers will receive a set of snacks, ammunition, and body armor.
As part of the event, a new vehicle called the Bravado Hotring Hellfire will also be added to the game. It will be available for purchase at the Southern San Andreas Super Autos store. GTA+ subscribers will receive the vehicle for free.
Finally, players can expect discounts on items and various bonuses in the online modes.