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Bonuses for LS races and for the bunker adversary modes, vehicle discounts and more in GTA Online
2 December 2021
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A new week of bonuses and discounts has started in GTA Online.
3x GTA$ and RP in the bunker adversary modes;
3x GTA$ and RP in the Diamond Casino adversary modes;
3x GTA$ and RP in the missile base adversary modes;
2x GTA$ and RP for mobile operation center missions;
2x GTA$ and RP for Top Fun Versus;
2x PP for street races and pursuits;
1.5x GTA$ and RP for the bunker sell missions;
Manor PRBG Tee for entering the game.
LS Car Meet Auto: the Emperor Vectre
To get it, you need to enter top-5 in 12 street races.
Test track autos:
The Ubermacht Cypher;
The Obey Tailgater S;
The Karin Sultan Classic.
Casino podium vehicle: the Mammoth Squaddie
bunkers, their renovations and upgrades – 40%;
mobile operation center and renovations – 40%;
LS tuners racing suits – 30%;
the Jugular – 30%;
the Penumbra FF – 30%;
the Tempesta – 30%;
the P-996 LAZER – 30%.