A group of Rockstar fans has published a comprehensive PDF file with all the details that could be noticed in the debut trailer of GTA 6. Here are the main highlights:
Birds can sit on power lines;
Airplanes now have condensation trails;
The gradient from dry to wet sand where the waves wash up is
very realistic and detailed;
You can see at the beach a woman being sprayed with
sunscreen, an NPC passing a soda or beer bottle to another NPC, a
muscular guy with a fitness tracker, pedestrians with their pets,
a man wearing AirPods etc.;
NPCs have their own belongings including: bags, towels,
coolers, sunglasses, drinks, sun cream bottles,
phone models etc.;
Flip flop physics;
NPC phones have fully functional cameras and display screens;
Guardrails can now be deformed;
Lucia grips onto the frame of the vehicle when Jason is
Vehicle side mirrors now reflect what’s in front of them;
There are dusty handprints on the back of Jason’s vehicle;
Sweat can be seen on NPCs working out;
Jiggle physics;
There are muscle deformations and wrinkles on clothing when
characters move;
The surface of the water is affected by wind;
There are incandescent light bulbs. The filament warms up and
has a characteristic
fade-in/out appearance. LEDs, on the other hand, illuminate
In one of the shots, you can see an NPC filling his car with
Pupil dilation returns from RDR2;
Tire deformation when Jason is driving the car;
The passenger, positioned towards the sidewalk, swings the
open door facing the road as
a car passes by. He opens it just enough to ensure that the
passing vehicle won't cause any
damage to the door;
Same as it can be seen in the leaked footage you can see
three people walking together on the
sidewalk. In the past GTA games you only see NPCs walking
alone, and not in groups;
Jason has a scar on his chin from shaving;
Jason’s ear is pierced twice;
Lucia has photos of her family in her cell;
Jason has bumper stickers on his car saying “Say No To
Nuclear Power” and “Save The Bees”;
Jason has a Love Fist bracelet in the artwork;
There are bullet holes on the car in the official artwork,
similar to the ones on the Bonnie & Clyde “death car;
The game’s official artwork is inspired by “Queen & Slim”;
You can see a fishing tackle in the store Jason and Lucia are
Before this, we wrote about the technical analysis of the trailer by Digital Foundry and references to real-life personalities. A detailed breakdown of the trailer can be read here. GTA 6 is planned to be released in 2025 for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.