The fan has shown the ending of GTA 6

13 December 2023

The author of the YouTube channel TeaserPlay, known for their quality fan-made trailers of unannounced games, released a video about GTA 6, where they attempted to predict the ending of the future Rockstar Games project.

«I guess GTA VI ends with this tough choice and I tried to capture that thought with Unreal Engine 5. I hope you enjoy»,» the YouTuber wrote in the video description.

«The game didn't come out yet and people already predicted the ending», — parsarustami774.

«There's no way they'll actually give you the option to kill lucia. I think we all know that», — Christianos_Theophile.

«That’s a horrible ending I dont want this in the game», — mychannel_74.

«I would kill Jason and let lucia live», — OfficalDalton_lee_123.

The events of GTA 6 will unfold in the fictional state of Leona, with the main characters being Lucia and Jason. The game will be released in 2025 for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. The PC version was not mentioned.