Insider: GTA 6 trailer could be released as early as tomorrow

30 November 2023

Speculation continues online about the announcement date for GTA 6. Most players expect to see the trailer on December 8th at The Game Awards 2023, but insider Tez2 believes the wait won't be that long.

Tez2 wrote that the video could be shown as early as tomorrow, but it could be delayed until the weekend or next Tuesday. He believes this is indicated by the delay in releasing updates for GTA Online.

«GTA Online event runs for two weeks ending on Tuesday, Dec 12. Prior to RDR2 reveal, Rockstar skipped a week to have the trailer on spotlight. End of next week is likely reserved for GTAO DLC. So we can expect VI trailer either on Friday, during the weekend or on Tuesday at most», wrote Tez2.

Officially, the trailer release is scheduled for early December. As players have noticed, Rockstar has already started making changes to the official website.

Rumors suggest that GTA 6 will not be released before spring 2025.