The author of QuantV for GTA 5 has filed a lawsuit against resources that pirated the mod. The creator of ENB immediately reacted to the situation

14 March 2024

QuantV, the author of a popular graphic mod for GTA 5, has filed a lawsuit against the creators of the website LauncherLeaks and the Telegram channel RadiantLeaks. Later, the creator of ENBSeries, Boris Vorontsov, also reacted to this situation.

In his lawsuit, the modder Quant accuses Launcher Leaks and RadiantLeaks of leaking his modification, which in turn infringes on copyright.

«Defendant appears to operate and/or moderate RadiantLeaks at least in part because software builds appearing on LauncherLeaks also appear on RadiantLeaks and are released at the same time. Upon information and belief, Defendant also uses RadiantLeaks to distribute up-to-date, pirated copies of QuantV, including the regular updates to it.», — the document states.

The Telegram channel RadiantLeaks has already responded to the situation.

«QuantV does not modify game files. In this case, we can freely share and use this content (related to GTA), right?» — a message on RadiantLeaks reads.

As for Boris Vorontsov, he spoke negatively about QuantV's attempt to sue LauncherLeaks and RadiantLeaks. According to him, the modder's projects, which he sells on Patreon, use ENBSeries binaries without any permission.

He also recalled a scandalous situation that occurred in 2022 when gamers complained about the Quant mod due to a built-in virus that formatted the hard drive after installation.

The vulnerability was discovered by the developer of the FiveM platform. It turned out to be a protection against pirated versions of the mod. However, the trojan was noticed in all versions of the mod, which led to criticism from gamers. In the next version, the virus was removed from QuantV.

Screenshot of the code that caused files to be deleted on the hard drive.

Because of this story, Boris Vorontsov claims, his reputation was also damaged. He reached out to Patreon support, but they did not respond to his complaint.

Users reported recently that he uses court of justice against leaks, so I decided to take actions against himself for illegal activity, since first day on Patreon. Reputation of my software get worse because of the shit such modders do and he in particular with malware, so I have lost many users of ENBSeries who could join my own Patreon and simply takes things for free.

DMCA letter to the Patreon with all proof attached to it was refused by the following reason: "Because the allegedly infringing material you’ve identified is not hosted on Patreon, we’re unable to take any action". In other words, Patreon do not apply any actions against piracy and at same time dare to take percentage from the supporters. There is no terms of service and can't be, which stands above laws. Almost every country have law about piracy and it's clear that Patreon in this case is involved and continue to sponsor illegal activity, which is also crime. So I request of this information to be widely spread as much as possible, people should know they are not safe at Patreon and they pay money to greedy scammer with no shame.
— Boris Vorontsov

ENB — a graphic framework for enhancing graphics in different games, including TES Skyrim, TES Oblivion, Fallout, GTA, Deus Ex, and more.

Quant — the author of mods for GTA, which add custom shaders and enhanced effects to games. He posts his projects on Patreon.