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1 decade ago
Quote: Cyb3rMotion
ONE model and you throw with Ex? You're nuts? I should have put my skin pack in a special group too, since it comes to that

And who interfered with that ?? belay I have a right, in the end.
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1 decade ago
Quote: vadosrespekt
Another pervert ...
You need to be friends with DshGames.

If you made a skin +18 means a pervert ??
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1 decade ago
Quote: Victor Mor
The eyelash bug is obvious.

"CENSORED" where?

Well, since it's obvious, then it's not worth remembering about it. Why censorship on screens, if the file is so with an age limit. Accordingly, the main preview is blocked until you go to the page with a detailed description.
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1 decade ago
Diego has the right bun lol
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1 decade ago
Lord, bastard ...
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1 decade ago
Quote: IceCreedMods
The machine is just lovely, I take it)
P.S. - What is your ENB stand for, will you give me a reference?

Thanks to. ENB - SA_NGGE ENBSeries v1.2 final
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1 decade ago

Quote: alexey
Recently one guy discovered a way how you can change the size of the wheels and their "sinking" without changing the values ​​in vehicles.ide)))

No, um, you know, it's not the size that matters, and not the failure. In the suspension, here.

Post edited by Arlan300898 on 07/03/2014 at 04:41:09 PM
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1 decade ago
Quote: alexey
You can pull out the desired texture from that texture in 10 minutes, place it on a separate one and quickly move the UV map of the necessary details. I, for example, with my meteor, got confused with this, and nothing. He also has half a car in showdown along with painting. I left him painting the kanesh, but I still divided the textures into two smaller ones so that performance would not drop and a couple more reasons regarding materials, so I know what I'm talking about.

There was also an option in my head to separate the polyes, cut the texture and edit all this in a scan. But unfortunately, I did not dare to do this, because there is not much experience to cut polygons.
Quote: alexey
Let's go over the disadvantages:
- To replace a muscle car with an elegy? Even without tune? Get ready for fierce jambs. And you didn't put the edited karmods in the archive, so that it was impossible to tune (although the sump will still contain bugs in this case)

Yeah ... Doo, I replace it with an elegy like this. This is so far the only model with an adequate wheel alignment in the game, the first contender "saber" in this sense was sad. Yes, of course, you can change a couple of values, but I can't imagine which ones, and in which file. Sorry:(
Quote: alexey
And yes, I am aware that you can pull out the lines "who needs" from your handle, but that would be better.

Well Duc I was guided by those who SHOULD. He simply assumed that it is better to let them replace them than they "have" to look for individual lines, and this is often generally lazy. And it turns out that they will not replace anything at all, it is not necessary. Agree?
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1 decade ago
Quote: strx
As far as I know, Alexey reworked the Flatout 2 wheels in higher quality for his own envelopes. As an option, you could ask him for these wheels, and not shoot as much with Aston Martin.

I didn’t take them from the bulldozer and put them on. I was looking decently, chose what I liked and to make it look appropriate;)
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1 decade ago
As always on the level wink
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1 decade ago
Quote: IceCreedMods
Well, as far as I know, regular skins don't work there.

There are just the same ORDINARY and work. They do not work, or more precisely - only skins sharpened for normalmap are displayed incorrectly. Accordingly, for the correct display of the model in SAMP, you need to remove the normal maps from the TXD archive, and combine them with the diffusion in Photoshop. And so, your teacher should at the initial stage pay attention to your level of zakostka, rather than the peculiarities of the texture =)

Post edited by Arlan300898 on 04/06/2014 at 12:56:48 PM
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1 decade ago
Quote: Black Stallion
Diffuse textures are combined into one channel with NormalMap.

Why do you think it's cool?

And the skin is called, not a desert terrorist, but a guerrilla, and their arial habitat is the jungle.

Oha, someone says it's cool? Let's explain, comrade:
1. Nobody thinks it's cool.
2. Alignment - has a very beneficial effect on the visual perception of the model.
3. Not EVERYONE does it.
4. A great alternative to relief without using the asi plugin.
5. 100% guarantee that the relief WILL be displayed the same for everyone (in contrast to the plugin, which directly depends on the graphical modification installed by the user)
6. This is a definite plus for the model, which must be indicated in the description.
7. Why are you also not indignant when other authors indicate adaptation to normalmap? After all, for adaptation, in principle, too, especially brains are not required.
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1 decade ago
Great, the current he has something shines like a bodybuilder on the podium x) Put a normal d3d9 under the normalmap, it is in the skin pack from the 3rd Max Payne from XmakarusX.
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1 decade ago
To the indigenous PAPU? Author, where can I find this dad? Will the folder come off if dad is not found? And the lesson is wonderful, thanks, I myself probably would never have dared to play with primitives ...
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1 decade ago
Quote: IceCreedMods
Because this is already pollution. Personally, I did not find any differences with this model from the standard version. Little things, nothing more.

Well, yes, let now there are only selected mods with the number of comments equal to zero. It is clear to everyone that in order to make their mod more or less popular, they need to upload to LS.ru .. Let's turn the site into another blogspot with exclusively global author's mods, where only the author himself will admire the work done, and no one else ..
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1 decade ago
Same question laughing
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1 decade ago
Quote: Honorv
It's funny to hear this from a person who has a grandfather with pigtails on their avatar


Post edited by Arlan300898 on 01/23/2014 at 11:23:32 AM
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1 decade ago
Karoch: D That's such a mini-reviewer -

1) Cool render with a thematic background.

2) The quality of the tattoo is generally for * ...

3) ABS vashsche theme! I answer !!

4) The complexity of the mod, well, finally AGON !! Author burns!

5) Nobody can repeat this, infa 110%.
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1 decade ago
Quote: Krylov1998
The envelope is his, the model is not his. Fig you will understand.

Model from the game where the envelope was made from .. Did you clarify? =)
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1 decade ago
Detective Cat,
Yeah ... Why mutilate that? laughing
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1 decade ago
Цитата: kizat12
плюс! а это из какой игры?

Честно сказать, сам не в курсах. Раф кинул - я сделал.
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1 decade ago
Цитата: Cyb3rMotion
Скриншот, вместо тысячи слов...

Вспоминается анекдот про мужика, который хотел чтоб ему понесло крышу, а у него днище прорвало...
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1 decade ago

Цитата: Cyb3rMotion
ТЫ где вообще был столько времени?


Цитата: Cyb3rMotion
И да, дыры в модели, говоришь? Я вот, пока все дыры не утихомирю, скин не выкладываю! Там же работы минут на 20

Ой ой, какой ты у нас молодец Алешенька! Полюбас бесст офф модмейкерс на земле, инфа 100%. А если серьзно да, работы "минут на 20" а то и меньше...Говорю же, заметил их только после закостки. Были попытки залатать дыры с помощью боксиков, только после аттача скин перенимает что-то от этих боксиков и перестает реагировать на кости. Еще был вариант залатки полигонажным методом, однако поганилась текстура. По другому не умею, да и зачем...Даже до того как все забыть не был задротом в максе(в хорошем смысле), а сейчас, что уж говорить...
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1 decade ago
Цитата: jumpjet1999
3d модделлеры а это много?

Ответ от любителя - для такой угловатой машины много, для ВС тем более. Сначала показалось якобы упор сделан в салон, аннет, обычный салон...
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