Rockstar Games has always favored serious and adult themes in their games. Even Bully, a simulator of a mischievous schoolboy, is filled with content for an older audience. So what can be said about the Grand Theft Auto series, which is packed with profanity and violence?
However, the developers did not go as far as including sex. Or rather, they did, but in the release version of GTA SA, they hid it by disabling the scripts that allow having sex with girls in the game. As Rockstar later claimed, this was necessary to maintain the age rating at 17+.
However, almost immediately after the game's release, modder PatricW created the scandalous modification Hot Coffee, which made all the hidden scripts available. And then everything spiraled, and San Andreas was accused of showing sex scenes to seventeen-year-olds.
So, there is no actual censorship in the game, as there is nothing to censor. By default, there is no sex in the game; it can only be unlocked by installing the Hot Coffee mod, which is available in our file archive. And there's certainly no censorship in it!