Crime and Law Rebalance and Enhancement.
Petty crimes are disabled, law enforcement will now ignore your petty crimes.
The desert is now completely lawless, there is no search.
Train Robbery is no longer an Instant Wanted.
Bounty hunting
Reduced the chance that dogs will accompany bounty hunters.
US Marshall (level 4) and Pinkerton Agent (level 5 / max bounty) will now hunt you once you have enough bounty.
Witness is now limited to 1. Once you stop them, there will be a cooldown before another witness spawns.
The Witnesses are now absent from the wilderness.
Artificial Intelligence
Legislators are much more experienced and competent.
Pinkertons no longer take a very long time to aim.
Rider and wagon respawn is now disabled.
Completely redesigned units in Saint-Denis and Blackwater. The US Marshall (and the Pinkertons at St. Denis) will give chase on the last waves.
Pinkertons now specifically use elite horses.
Elk Warriors will be sent to Ambarino and the US Army will be sent to Cumberland Forest (Currently they can only be seen in Forced Wanted via Rampage).
Equipment and health
Slightly improved Lowen health.
The sent lawmen are armed with rifles and a shotgun.
Pinkerton and the US Marshal will carry the pistol as sidearms.
Lawyers' weapons are always clean.
NPCs have different revolvers.
And others.