Skin packs for Manhunt - 49 files
Brent Ernst and Louise Jameson from Dead Rising 2
Red Kings Pack
The modification adds 4 new red kings skins.
To install this skin, you will need "PluginMH" from ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "MH2RedKings" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
CCPD Cops, but in Vice City Police Department uniform.
Installation guide inside the archive.
Federal Bureau of Investigation units are now in Carcer City.
To install this skin, you will need "PluginMH" from ermaccer.
Unpack the archive and copy the "FBI" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
CPD pack
Modification adds 6 new Chicago Police Department uniform skins to the game.
Installation instructions are inside the archive.
The Lost Pack
The mod adds 9 new skins to the game.
To install this skin, you will need "PluginMH" from ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "LostPack" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
Camheds Pack
The mod adds 3 cameraman skins to the game.
To install this skin, you will need «PluginMH» from ermaccer.
Unpack the archive and copy the «CamhedsPack» folder to the «Manhunt/data/skins» folder.
Alternate Cop Outfits
Mod includes four new cops you can play as.
Modification swaps the textures of the heads of cops in jackets and cops without jackets.
Installation instructions are inside the archive.
More Skinz
The mod includes 18 new Skinz gang members that you can play as.
The modification swaps the head and body textures of the Skinz gang members.
Installation instructions are inside the archive.