The modification adds the Wrench skin from Watch Dogs 2 to the game.
The mod adds a scarecrow skin to the game, replaces Ramirez.Installation instructions inside the archive.
The mod adds the Punisher skin to the game.Installation:Go to Manhunt/levels/GLOBAL/CHARPAK and paste the file from the replacement archive.
The modification adds the skin of Daniel Lamb from Manhunt 2.Installation instructions inside the archive.
Mod adds to the game a new skin Kadamono - circus performer Wolf.
The mod adds the skin of Poppy, the apprentice clown in Wolf Circus, to the game.
The mod adds the skin of a man in garbage bags.To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.Unzip the archive and copy the "Skin" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
The mod adds a new character skin to the game - Majin.Installation instructions inside the archive.
The modification makes Dr. Fugue a playable character.Installation instructions inside the archive.