This little script fixes the crooked car exit/jump mechanic that in some cases prevents the player from leaving the vehicle. For example, at low speed, or while in a helicopter. update 10/23/2019: Helicopter exit has been completely fixed, and th...
Radioactive Rain and Vampirizm for GTA Vice City! This mod adds hardcore to the game. Now in Vice City the rain (you hear the click of the Geiger counter) has turned radioactive (green), if Tommy does not find shelter, he will quickly die (1 minute ...
This mod was made purely for fun. With the cheat code "DOOMBOX" you can create a box that destroys everything in its path!(Except the player himself) Features: - The box rotates in a random direction - The box shoots in all directions - The box can ...
Probably many people were infuriated by the fact that in GTA - Vice City you can’t normally ride on the roof of a car or in the back of a pickup truck. This script fixes this problem! You will never fall off the car if you don't want to. Unlike the ...