ENBSeries Convertor is a converter of rendering functions from DirectX8 to DirectX9 (direct3d8 to direct3d9).
ATTENTION! This is a converter, not a modification, using the converter on its own is not adds no effects, it is necessary to register the modification file in its settings! ENBSeries you want to use, and only d3d9 (DirectX9) versions. The converter is not completed, it does not work in all games, it is slow, but on The performance of the game and saves should not be affected. Performance claims are not accepted for this version. Currently tested to work with No One Lives Forever 2, Mafia and sharpened for GTA Vice City, GTA 3. This version does not work with Silent Hill, Unreal Tournament 2004.
Actually, the converter itself expands the possibility of scripting using the DirectX API, + gives a small increase in FPS by 20% - 25%.