Reduced menu V2.0
A mod that removes unnecessary items in the game menu. Suitable for global mods.
1. Statistics.
2. Changing the player's skin.
3. Choice of three languages: German, Italian, Spanish.
The remaining languages are American (american.gxt) and French (french.gxt). You can adjust them to suit yourself (you can look at the third screenshot).
V2.0 from 09.28.2024
Library required Ultimate ASI Loader and the game version1.0. There may be conflicts with mods that work with the game menu, for example VC Seter or Compact menu .
FileseASIer.asiandeASIer.txtfrom the archive, add toGTA Vice City/scripts.
Thank you so muchHackMan128for the plugin - eASIer .
V1.0 from 09/25/2024
This mod is a modified exe file. The game version becomes1.0. There may be conflicts with mods that work with the game menu, for example VC Seter or Compact menu .
Thank you so muchSteve-Mfor the program - VC Menu Editor 1.0 .
fast and easy
1.0urezannoe-menju_1727219669_606270.zipPassword: libertycity
2.0urezannoe-menju-v2-0_1727471692_800797.rarPassword: libertycity