Ever wanted not to be limited to shooting from both sides in your game? Well you got this driveby mod :D You can use the following weapons: Handguns, Shotguns, SMGs and ARs.
How to install:
Install CLEO and put the CLEO folder in your GTA folder.
Note: You don't need Maxo's Vehicle Loader! How to use:
While driving hold RMB while holding any of the weapons that you can use and you'll be aiming with your mouse. (Be sure to unbind rmb from handbrake!)
You can switch weapons with the keys (not numpad) on your keyboard (keys 1-4) by the order: Handguns, Shotguns, SMG's, ARs.
There's a config file where you can change a couple things to make it suitable to your needs.
SpitFire — For helping me with the driveby camera and telling me how I could achieve this in the first place.
ThirteenAG — For discovering the memory addresses used in this script.