SA2VC Car Converter 1.2 beta [MAXScript]

A script that simplifies the conversion of cars from GTA SA to GTA VC.
Use at your own risk.
There may be some further changes.
Attention! The script does not work with standard materials!
Before using the script, make sure that all car materials use GTA_Material!
Version 1.2 (07.11.2024)
- Added a handling flag calculator for both Vice City and GTA 3. To calculate the flag: open the calculator with the Open III/Vice City handling flag calculator button, select the desired game (III/Vice City), select the desired flags, click Calculate.
- At the request of the workers, the drop-down list of component names was converted into a menu: it contains 65 components.
To rename, you need to open the window using the Open Component Menu button; select the desired object or objects and press the button with the desired name.
- Initial setup of a car for Vice with one click of the Convert button (car components are renamed, wheels are scaled to the correct size,
- Ability to remove GTA SA license plates (option make transparent to carplate and carpback);
- Generation of damaged elements both during the conversion process and in manual mode;
- Ability to add a broken glass texture (use it carefully!); register texture With extension!;
- Ability to specify the texture of the car optics if a texture with a non-standard name is used; write the texture WITHOUT extension!;
- Ability to remove unnecessary dummy (option Delete SA Dummy);
- Ability to assign chrome to prim or sec material. To do this, you need to enter the name of the texture With extension and the intensity of chrome and check the boxes.
- Removing zero vertices from all car components (Removed isolated and unused verticles option).
- Convert Handling.cfg to VC format. The converted handling will be in the MaxScript Listener window (press F11 to call it).
There are also several buttons for convenience:
- Set VehLights Color 255 255 255 — resets the vehiclelights128 color of the selected objects;
- Disable Reflection Map - disable chrome on selected objects (for example, wheels or the interior);
- Add _hi for selected - adds _hi to the selected objects. This button is needed for interior objects of the car, as well as for glass. Otherwise, interior elements will not be visible through the glass.
- Scale wheel to 1.0 — with this button you can selectively scale the wheels (if the car initially has wheels in addition to wheel_rf)
- Generate _dam element - with this button you can manually create damage to the selected elements! Attention! There may be errors when using this function! If an error occurs, restart the script and try again!
- Set Ambient - assigning an ambient tone for ALL materials for SELECTED objects.
- Set Diffuse - assigning diffuseness to ALL materials for SELECTED objects.
- Set Specular - assigning a specular for ALL materials for SELECTED objects.
- Disable SA SpecMap - remove San Andres specular from materials.
- Mass Attach - combine selected objects into one object.
- Hide _ok elements — hide intact elements.
- Hide _dam elements — hide damaged elements.
- Unhide _ok elements — display undamaged elements.
- Display hierarchy — open the hierarchy editing window.
- Open Component Menu - open a window with the names of vehicle components.
- Open III/Vice City handling flag calculator — open the handling flag calculator for Vice City/III.
How to use? Import .dff into max, run the script, click the Convert button, wait a little while the script rustles through all the components of the cars. This is about 10-20 seconds.
After the initial setup, you need to add _hi to the name of the interior elements or glass. To do this, you need to select these elements and click the add _hi for selected button.
After this, we make sure that the hierarchy is configured correctly and you can safely export .dff.
The script does not guarantee 100% performance of the car! After conversion, it is advisable to make sure that the hierarchy is configured correctly and that all components are present.
When converting, the script removes zero vertices from all components. The rest of all kinds of problems with geometry and normals (and not only) must be corrected manually!
The script was written in 3ds max 2010 x64.
The script was written by aleks926820. Script testing, error detection: AiExcel, Bryxanov1337.
Discord aleks926367#2994
The script is allowed to be posted on other resources, indicating the author’s email ( and the author’s website
It is prohibited to violate the integrity of the archive!
fast and easy
1.2sa2vc-car-converter-1-2-beta-maxscript_1730943802_350963.zipPassword: libertycity
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