Graphics Addons

19 March
Graphics Addon for Vice City
The graphics mod is based on the enb series v0.75 extension | 0.76 generic.
What is implemented:
- Improved particle effects fire, light, and more;
- Adjusted the time cycle of the weather conditions of the day and night;
- Added and reworked a bunch of shadow lighting 2dfx;
- Tuned reflection of the body on transport in the maximum preset;
- Works on weak hardware.
Password: libertycity
Graphics Addon for Vice City
Граффический мод основан на базе пасширения enb series v0.75 | 0.76 generic.
Что реализовано:
- Улучшенные эффекты частиц огонь, свет, и прочее;
- Настроен таймцикл погодных условий дня и ночи;
- Добавлено и переработано куча теневого освещения 2dfx;
- Настроенное отражение кузова на транспорте в максимальный пресет;
- Работает на слабом железе.
Пароль: libertycity
Recommended files

Hardcore Graphic v.0.3b

Hardcore Graphic for Vice City beta 0.4

VC Graphics Hack 1.0

New graphic effects v.2.0

New graphic effects v.3.0

Hardcore Graphic (v 0.4b)

New Graphics 2.5 for Vice City

ENB [VC] Render HD Graphics v3.2.2.1

Render HD Graphics 2.0

VC Rendering HD Graphics X 2 1

Render HD Graphics X 2.1

VC Render HD Graphics Lite

New Vice City RTX: Cool graphics

Render HD Graphics 4.0

VC Real Linear Graphics - Realistic Colors