[RUS] Textures originally made for GTA SA and made by other authors from Indonesia, but I used their textures to make my mod. These textures only replace streetwear and with new facial hair, gloves, new pants, new shoes. This mod also supports cutscenes, it replaces textures both in the game and in cutscenes.
Credits * Naufal Irfan, Indra P: authors of Batik textures * Rockstar Games: textures for other characters * OMYSTGaming ™: Texture Editor
Installation instructions: Extract the file, open the extracted folder to check the textures. Open the TXD Tool, search for GTA3HI.TXT in the game directory, replace the texture with the extracted one. Settings wizard: No alpha overwrite Use fast rewrite Check the raster texture Uncheck all the boxes except those four. MADE!
We encountered errors: * Pixelated textures on Tommy's hand * Strange nose textures * Double eyes
I'll try to fix it;)
[ENG] This textures only replace Street outfit and featuring new facial hair, gloves, new trousers, new shoes. This mod also supported cutscenes that's mean, it replace in-game and cutscenes textures.
Credit * Naufal Irfan, Indra P: authors of Batik textures * Rockstar Games: Other characters textures * OMYSTGaming ™: Editor of the textures
Installation Instructions: Extract the file, open the extracted folder to check the textures. Open TXD Tool, search gta3hi.txt in game directory, replace the textures with the extracted one. Settings Wizard: WITHOUT ALPHA Overwrite Use fast overwrite Check texture raster Uncheck all except those four. DONE!
Encountered Bugs: * Pixelated textures on Tommy's hand * Weird nose textures * Double eyes