Remaster - This is also a remaster, only it contains the textures of the PC version, the previous mod was made from Xbox textures.
A separate mod, not an update, has many differences.
Made the characters in HD (mostly cutscenes and some passers-by)
Weapon textures in hd
Fixed factory bugs of the game (Malibu club, construction site, strip club curtain, coat of arms on police cars, glass, fence, etc.)
Added a cut radio from ps2 (Flash FM), added a cut animation of a staggering Tommy with a weapon and a couple more from the PC version
Many textures have received a resolution of 1024x1024
Increased the drawing distance a little.
Remade the menu to match the original.
Many individual textures are also in HD, such as posters, grass, sidewalks, etc.
I also redesigned the palm trees and leaves a little
The water became a little different.
Effects of rays, fire, etc.
The buildings are also in HD (not all)
Made 2 types of cache (RU&ENG)
That's not all, the rest can be found in the game.
✒The weight of the installed game is 3.5 GB
Average performance processor; good GPU performance (Adreno, Mali, PowerVR); 3GB RAM
✒Choose for yourself which mod to play xbox or pc. Something is better there - something there)
1)Install APK
2) Unpack the GFX HD folder into Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtavc
3) Unpack the OBB CACHE folder into Android/obb/com.rockstargames.gtavc
Cache and APK use mine, because. there are modification files here and there.
If anyone has any problems, write to me in PM
Enjoy the game everyone)
Отдельный мод, не обновление, имеет много отличий.
✒Вес установленной игры 3,5 ГБ
✒Для конфортной игры Remaster PC рекомендую: Средней производительности процессор; хорошой производительности GPU(Adreno, Mali, PowerVR); 3ГБ ОЗУ
✒В какой мод играть xbox или pc выбирайте сами. Что то там лучше — что то там)
1)Установить APK
2)Папку GFX HD распаковать в Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtavc
3)Папку КЕШ OBB распаковать в Android/obb/com.rockstargames.gtavc
Кеш и AПК использовать мои, т.к. там и там присутствуют файлы модификации.
У кого возникают проблемы, пишем в Л.С
Всем приятной игры)