Urban riots, police against bandits (VC) 6.5
Urban unrest, police against bandits (VC) 6.4.
The mod adds urban unrest, where the police will restore order, and the criminals will wreak havoc and destruction.
1. The script works only on a walk (does not work in missions, so as not to create errors in them). Actors spawn every three seconds near the player (the jump is used to keep them from getting stuck in the walls of houses and for surprise, since actors can fire from the roofs of buildings).
2. All bandits are clearly defined by factions (except for the Cubans, they had to put gang1 instead of zero due to an incomprehensible mistake).
3. All cops strictly follow the law (except for the maniac cosplayer Breivik, the leader of the El Gomo criminal gang). You can just watch their skirmishes with the bandits, who are squabbling among themselves, throwing Molotov cocktails all over the area.
5. All health, weapons (except minigun, gas grenade, sniper rifles, grenade launcher) and accuracy, police and bandits are random. Sniper rifles and a grenade launcher are not added, since peds do not have an animation of firing from them. The barrel of the minigun disappears, and the smoke from the gas grenade greatly reduces the FPS.
6. The health of the player is random (it changes approximately every couple of minutes).
7. The stock of ammunition regenerates (only what Tommy has in his hands) by 1 piece every 3 seconds of time.
8. Melee weapons, as expected, prefer to use only a street gang.
9. The guards from the PIG agency will be neutral to the player, and the bandits Vercetti and the loving biker Fat will even join him.
10. Pedestrian and car traffic reduced (up to 30%) to avoid crashes to desktop.
11. Endless running and newt scales (damage only from guns, revolver and cars) will help Thomas survive in free play (will not work in missions).
Bugs and conflicts: not found.
Tested on game version 1.0.
Installation: drag the cs file along the path C:\Games\GTA - Vice City\cleo
Author: Great and terrible Alex_Simonoff and Shagg_E (helped with the ends and elves) distribution is free, everyone enjoy the game!
fast and easy
1605553788_gorodskiebesporjadki3vc6.rarDownload (0.52 MB)Password: libertycity