Some previously unpublished (or published in narrow circles) scripts by me. Some of them are frozen projects, but I thought that it would still be interesting for someone to look at them.
You can see them in action, as well as something else, in the video below (Russian subtitles have been added to the video, script demonstration starts at 1:37):
The collection includes 16 scripts:
- Bodyguard2 Spawns two crazy bodyguards with your guns.
- DubGun v0.5 Dubstep gun. Original idea: Prographer
- Hot Pursuit Pack v0.52( updated 12/09/2019) A pack of scripts that give some experience of NFS games.
-LOD Set LOD parameters in ini file and run the game!
- no_steed3 Nothing else can throw you out of the transport! And no more vehicle damage!
- Quicksilver v0.2
The archive contains detailed descriptions for each mod.