100% Сохранение для ПК-адаптации VCS
Andrey Popov
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Dejan Pisovski192









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1 October 2023vice-city-stories-pk-adaptacija_1696138496_694232.rar
This is a special 100% game save of the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories "PC Adaptation" project.
Simple saves from the PSP version will not work on the build, so I am posting a save with 100% game completion.
This save is not intended for PSP consoles!
- Download the "Savedata100.rar" archive.
- Unpack the archive to a convenient location.
- Go to the game directory where the saves are located. Example: C:gamesGTA Vice City StoriesmemstickPSP.
- Before replacing SAVEDATA, make a backup to avoid losing your saves.
- Replace your SAVEDATA with SAVEDATA from the archive
- Play!
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100% Сохранение для ПК-адаптации VCS
Это специальное 100%-ое сохранение игры проекта Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories "Адаптация ПК".
Простые сохранения с PSP версии на сборку не подойдут, поэтому выкладываю специально сохранение со 100%-ым прохождением игры.
Это сохранение не предназначено для приставок PSP!
- Скачайте архив "Savedata100.rar".
- Разархивуйте архив в удобное место.
- Перейдите по директорию игры где лежать сохранения. Пример: C:gamesGTA Vice City StoriesmemstickPSP.
- Перед заменой SAVEDATA, сделайте резервное копию дабы не потерять свои сохранения.
- Замените свою SAVEDATA на SAVEDATA из архива
- Играйте!
Permissions and distribution rules
The author answered the following questions upon publication. By downloading the file, you agree to abide by these rules.
Is it allowed to reupload the file to other websites / platforms / services?
Is it allowed to create paid mods using the developments, components, or assets presented in this file?
Under no circumstances
Is it allowed to edit or update the file and upload its updated versions separately?
Only after receiving the author's permission
Is it allowed to convert the file for use in other games?
Under no circumstances
Is it allowed to use the developments, components, or assets presented in this file to create your own files?
Only after receiving the author's permission
Are there any developments from other people in this file for which the author has permissions, but which cannot be distributed without the consent of their authors?
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Comments 2