Mini Scripts (Cleo Redux)
Mini Scripts - Several small scripts written in javascript using Cleo Redux...
Requires Cleo Redux to work.
Installation: Place files in the CLEO folder.
Change of interior by pressing the key(initially 1 and 2), you can flip the interiors both forward and backward.
Weapon spawner- a pickup with a weapon spawns in front of the player, you can scroll forward / backward to select the one you want (initially [and]).
Recording coordinates- records the coordinates and angle of the player in cleo_redux.log (initially key 3), also in the place where the player was - spawns a mine that will glow and show the position of the coordinates. You can remove all mines by pressing a button (initially 4).
The .js file can be opened with a regular notepad, but I recommend at least notepad ++. Each script has a place at the very beginning, marked with slashes (////////), there are two variables responsible for the keys pressed.
Also in this section, the weapon spawner has a variable "ammo", which is responsible for the number of issued cartridges.
All script files are commented for understanding and learning how they work.
Tested on 1.0 and reVC x86 d3d9 mss
fast and easy
1638454076_mini_scripts.zipDownload (0.00 MB)Password: libertycity