Enlightenment is a group, whose representatives and fighters were once in two warring groups - "Freedom" and "Duty", but, later, they realized the meaninglessness of their military conflict and showed unwillingness to fight more with each other, whil...
Pilgrims are an unusual grouping of simple travelers and hardened explorers of the Zone. It was founded by some kind of stalker who is fond of medieval themes, for which this group received such an unusual, but appropriate name. Members of this grou...
The Inner Circle (also: Monolith Elite) is an elite unit of the Monolith group. Commander - Mahon. They control Pripyat and approaches to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. They have in their arsenal improved overalls with a special armor plate, whi...
Death Squadron is a group of former Svoboda members who left their clan due to certain disagreements with their superiors. The group maintains an iron discipline, which is to some extent similar to the discipline of the lords. Also, unlike "Freedom",...
The Punishers are one of the most famous gangster groups, in which many serious authorities of the Zone are members. They are mainly engaged in protection, try not to resort to racketeering and robberies. As a rule, they cover many merchants in the Z...
SB GRC - a grouping from the Fallen Star modification. Mercenary's Honor" and The Last Stalker. Mercenaries in the service of the GRC corporation. Despite their large numbers and weapons, they are rather poorly adapted to the Zone. The equipment is ...
The Spectrum is a very secretive group. It is not known exactly what Spectrum is doing, but there are rumors that they are looking for the mysterious artifact "Pendulum", which, according to legend, can cure its owner of all diseases and help him ga...