In the post-war chaos, with the United States on the brink of economic collapse following the Vietnam War and subsequent oil crisis of 1973, the country declines. General Peter Gilmore, a war veteran and passionate patriot, leads an invasion of a ba...
The BTR-70 mod for the game GTA San Andreas adds a powerful and reliable Soviet-made armored personnel carrier to the game. This mod expands the game's vehicle fleet, giving players the opportunity to experience driving military vehicles that are us...
Hi all! I present to you a collection of military equipment of the USSR and Russia. The collection contains: BTR-80 BTR-82 MI-17; MI-24; MI-28; T-72A; T-72B. Features: Do not spoil the atmosphere of the game; Good quality tex...
Hello everyone, on the Internet, I found the BTR-82A of the Russian army. Adopted in 2013, is a modernization of the BTR-82. The work is done in the style of GTA San Andreas There are mip-maps. Enjoy using. ...
On a skyscraper in the center of Los Santos are two unidentified people. Both are on the last page of their long confrontation. Recently, only blood has flowed, in the streams of which one can feel all the pain of the fading souls of those who consi...
On the basis of hatred and anger, violence, the desire for complete destruction, the most destructive war of the old world is going on. We can really say: for the first time in history, entire peoples are participating in the struggle - partly at th...