Files to replace Weapons Sniper rifle in GTA San Andreas - 630 files
Pack of realistic military weapons
Dragon's Claw from Fortnite
Dragon's Claw from Fortnite
- High quality model;
- High quality textures;
- Correct position in the hands.
AWP Mutatio
Collection of weapons from SA Definitive Edition
GTA SA Definitive Edition [Weapons]
- High quality models;
- High quality textures;
- Correct position in the hands;
- Adaptation to Normal Map.
AWP Blue Waves
AWP Blue Waves for GTA San Andreas.
- High quality model.
- High quality textures.
- Correct position in the hands.
- Own icons.
Have a good game!
Weapon Pack By Milenium
A wonderful selection of various firearms! Dedicated to all connoisseurs of high-quality textures...
FarCry weapone_by_The_FlasH_maN
This mod replaces 12 weapons with new ones from the game "FarCry"
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. weapone_by_The_FlasH_maN
This mod replaces 16 weapons with new ones from "S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat"
weapons from gta 4
Very high quality weapons from GTA 4 in GTA SA.
Weapons from GTAIV
Weapon conversion from GTA4
If you do not want problems, install all files manually using the IMG Tool ( DELETE replaced files before replacing)