Files to replace Weapons MP5 in GTA San Andreas - 513 files
Bizon submachine gun
Submachine guns "Bizon" are individual weapons and are designed to arm the personnel of law enforcement units.
New weapon
My first creation. It includes:
Ak-47 (replaces ak47)
Ak-47u (replaces MP5)
Bizon (PP-19) (replaces Micro_Uzi)
and knife (replaces knife)
Please don't kick me, this is my first creation.
Submachine Guns
A pack of submachine guns from Fallout: New Vegas. Icons are replaced, in the hands of the skin they sit well.
New MP5 (Submachine gun)
New Mp5. Model of high quality, texture quality is high, it is normal in the hand.
The new icon is present.
FAMAS F1 (Clarion 5.56)
An excellent envelope from CS:S, the quality of the model is HD, the quality of the textures is HQ, it sits evenly in CJ's hands, its own icon is present.
VIP gold pack
MOHA Weapons pack (FinaL)
A simple pack of weapons of the Second World War. Detailed description in the archive.
Golden weapon pack
New golden pack of weapons for GTA SA. The quality is normal.