Cooper's Creatures, Comrade Forge, homyak showroom, falken, All Quiet on the Western Front, URM, USAP | Мастерская GTA KiPPER STUDIO » Мастерская GTA, SEMKA67 STUDIO | Моды для GTA CR/ GTA SA, и т.д.
Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you a large package of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from Cooper! Suitable for CRMP and DYOM mission servers. The pack includes: DPS and PPS (before the reform and after), riot pol...
Ladies and gentlemen! My first mission in the project: "PRINCE X" ! Alex Beam and Lester Cardy will report to a Red Boss named Danny Blake, but the Red Boss gives Alex and Lester their first assignment to rob the department's bank, Alex has to ...
Pack of skins from San Andreas Multiplayer 0.3.7 . I know that everyone could get them, but isn't it too lazy? These skins may appeal to the creators of DYOM missions, for example. So, rummaging through the SA-MP archives, I got all the skins that...