Plot: The action begins with the prehistory of the yet unbuilt city of Las Barrancas in the southeastern part of Tierra Robada in 1865. Not far from the discovered oil deposits, with the construction of the railroad leading to Promontory (Utah) After...
The pack contains 23 skins; All skins are made with high quality in SA style; The package contains a program for replacing files, which weighs 700 kilobytes; There are no similar skins in the pack; The ReadMe is designed so that every...
This pack adds new characters in CR style. A special feature of the pack are 2 new skins, I found them in the texture of another skin, apparently the developers did not dare to add this skin to the second beta and left the textures until the third b...
Improved textures in effectsPC and particle files, more realistic effects + detailing of vegetation. The effectsPC and particle files are responsible for the textures most often found in the game and effects graphics.
Project Oblivion 2010 LOW v.2 + low ENBSeries v. 0.075 reflective bump test 3. Here is a global modification - Project Oblivion 2010 Low. For those who don’t know what Project Oblivion is, I’ll explain! Project Oblivion is a global project that def...