Happy New Heist - a small storyline consisting of 4 missions, which is entirely created on CLEO, or more precisely, using the "Mission Pack" game function. I. DLC Description: Storyline is an addition to the robbery system, heroes from this mo...
Beautiful tree. HD quality textures. There are two Christmas trees in the archive, one dressed up, the second ordinary. I made a Christmas tree for the second version of my mod "New Year's Island", but I never found a scripter, so there will be no ...
Every day the New Year is getting closer and closer, preparations for the upcoming holidays are already beginning. Well, as we know, what a holiday without Coca-Cola. We're giving you the chance to have a real New Year's Eve in San Andreas. They put...
Time passes and it creeps closer and closer to the New Year. Well, in San Andreas, this stormy holiday has already come. People dressed up in festive outfits and went out to Groove Street, to celebrate this wonderful holiday. A festive FIR-TREE has b...