Files to replace Weapons Desert Eagle in GTA San Andreas - 619 files
New weapon pack
Pack of weapons from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Envelope from the game "Resident Evil 4". A good replacement for the old Desert Eagle. The model worked out pretty well. Not superb of course, but good. The gun has its own icon and fits well into the atmosphere of the game.
Desert Eagle packs
The Walking Dead Game Weapon Pack
Here is the weapon pack from The Walking Dead Game by julio18244. For game lovers.
Everything can be seen on screenshots. Code-julio18244. Good game.
Mercy from Darksiders II
Pistol from Darksiders II, to replace the Desert Eagle
-The icon was made by
- Under the arms set up (although it seems somehow huge)
-Shot effect changed for all 4 barrels
[GTA V] Some Weapons #4
This is a pack of 4 guns converted from GTA V to GTA SA. It contains the 0.50 caliber pistol from the Collector's Edition. The pack also contains a machine gun and two versions of the pistol: with and without a silencer.