Files to replace Weapons Pistol in GTA San Andreas - 585 files
3 New Pistols
New pistols to replace old ones. High quality textures, fits perfectly in the hand (Tested on the physique "Thin" and "Jock")
Replaces: Desert_eagle, Silenced, Colt45.
Have a good game!
New Pistol
A new pistol to replace the Colt45. High quality textures, it fits perfectly in the hand.
The new icon is present.
Have a good game!
Very high quality pistol with high detail. Looks good in game.
A pack of pistols from Fallout: New Vegas. The icons have been replaced, the skin sits well in the hand.
Weapons from Gulmen
M8 Rabid Weasel
New pistol. Texture quality is excellent. It sits well in the hand. The game looks great.
The new icon is present.
USP Compact
Colt 1911
Good old Colt.
The icon has been replaced.
New pistol
A brand new high-quality gun for gta sa in 2 versions with and without a silencer.
Halo Weapons pack 1
This mod adds weapons from the Halo game to the game. The mod includes 9 different types of weapons.