High-quality, shiny, golden weapons are included in the list - tec9, desert eagle, colt45, katana, knife, sawnoff and as a bonus - shiny gold HUNETR and graying in the GREENWOO car (SWEET machine) are made in the GROW style green in the box. I did m...
A small pack of pistols, everything is on the screen. And you can see the screen in full size here: http://s61.radikal.ru/i171/1008/bb/de5cf3255373.jpg ...
And not long before the release of Kane & Lynch 2 Dog Days, I created a weapon pack from there. The mod replaces half of the base weapons, but soon I will make the 2nd part.
The pack contains such types of weapons from half-life 2 as a grenade launcher, 2 grenades, a pistol, a mount, a crossbow, a gravity gun, a shotgun, explosives.