Second translated newscast on WCTR. Today in the state: - Crime in Los Santos is on the rise - drugs are to blame? - Still no clue about the murder of police officer Ralph Pendelbury - A man burned down an entire block in San Fierro - a success stor...
Hello everyone. I started translating news releases on WCTR, adding video sequences. The translation is available with subtitles on YouTube. In the first issue: - San Andreas still has traffic restrictions after the earthquake - Crime on the rise: R...
Hello Liberty. I want to show you this video where the action takes place between the war. There is also a bonus music from me: 1. Skrillex Bangarang Dubsective Remix 2. Transformers 4: Age Of Extinction After a battle in the city, Gideon face...
Repeated test of the AK-47 weapon. Also added: - Test interface (STALKER); - Jump in place and to the side; - Sight from the shoulder (something like that); - Sprint with weapons (animation clumsy, I will change); I also put Normal Map (by DK22Pac) ...