A lore-friendly take of the BMW 507, with design cues taken from British roadsters of the 1950s. Features: Poly count similar to other SA cars (it's probably higher, but still retains most of the SA look); Fitting the SA atmosphere, aka lore...
GTA V Übermacht Oracle for GTA San Andreas. Features: - 2 versions: + IVF version (original headlights, IV/V style dirt); + Version of San Andreas (SA optics and dirt); - Both versions adapted to IVF; - San Andreas reflections; - San Andreas numbe...
Ubermacht Niobe. Straight from latest GTA Online DLC to GTA San Andreas! Features: Restyled; Optimised; Has IMVEHFT adaptation. Fully adapted to San Andreas world! Best to use with SkyGfx modification! ...
The new 1998 Ubermacht Beamer is now available to you. Model features: - Good quality model (within SA-style); - Uses the original vehicle.txd (don't know if it's a feature or not).
UAZ Patriot Travel for your GTA San Andreas. Features: High quality model; High-quality textures; Working optics; Excellent adaptation to ENB. Have a nice game! ...