Hello everyone! Today I again converted the car from Weiss with further refinement. Now it is a dead version of the Glendale (Glenshit) taken from Weiss. And I finally learned to work with the specular. Please love and/or favor.
Hello everyone! Today I completed the order of the user (more precisely, the verifier) Valerich135. He saw a broken Glen in my files and asked me to make a regular one. For realism, I added an exhaust system, otherwise in Vice City the smoke from t...
Converted an Esperanto car to San Andreas at the request of Qwerty Van Hallen and R5FDG. Video (asked by Mr. Relax) could not be removed. Therefore, there is only a car and a photo. Download and ride.
The envelope of this car with GTA Vice City was ordered to me by two people at once: Los_Andreas (finally I saw his nickname :D ) and Dezis la peste. Also for the latter in the archive is a one-color version of my project "VC Banshee". Replaces Bravu...
Envelope cutscen model Walton from GTA Vice City. This one differs from the usual Walton in a more detailed body, numbers from the beta version of the game, wheels from GTA III and other details. P.S. It is forbidden to upload the file to gtavicecity...
Comet from GTA VC for GTA SA. It differs from the comet from GTA SA in the design of the rear of the body. Features: - Supports all the main functions of the game; -SA textures; - Engine, interior and wheels from a comet from GTA SA....
Aloha everyone! Tonight I killed some time to port the Chopper helicopter to GTA SA. When I imported the helicopter to Zanoza, I found only one complete helicopter. No dummy, no rotors, no doors - kapets! But I downloaded the police helicopter I conv...
Envelope Cheetah from GTA Vice City. Unlike previous envelopes, I used not only textures, but also an xbox model. I also worked on the materials of the car, and now it shines like standard SA cars. Thanks to TommyAssassin for explaining to me how to ...