Всем привет! Представляю вам пак такси. В состав входят: Vice City Taxi, Liberty City Taxi, Bully Taxi, Midway City Taxi и Cottonmouth City Taxi. Эти машины я достал из GTA UNDERGROUND и вставил в обычную игру. Особенности: Не портят атмосферу ...
All the best FPS'a dear friends! I'm re-posting the pack of tow trucks. 1-v had a tailgate, 2-v had headlights accidentally removed, and 3-v fixed both! Download and enjoy!
Made several new tow trucks based on standard pickup trucks from GTA SA, namely: Bobcat, Picador and Yosemite. All look and work great, but... after downloading the archive, you will have to choose one (((. So download and choose!!!
I found the idea of this machine in the comments. In addition, I have not altered it under a limousine for a long time. I removed all the extras, replaced the wheels, changed the color of the car for repainting and fixed the shadow/collision! Downl...
Features: - Beautiful body; - Detailed salon; - Supports all the main functions of the game; - Fixed some bugs; - The car goes well with the atmosphere of the game
New "Flash", made qualitatively, without bugs. All headlights are working, 2-seater saloon. It looks especially beautiful when you pump it in the workshop.