Nissan Sentra Nismo 2018 for GTA San Andreas. Features: - High-quality alteration; - Model of good quality; - High-quality textures; - Working optics; - Excellent adaptation to ENB. Have a good game!...
Всем привет. Представляю вам пак машин Socialite. Эти лимузины я достал из GTA UNDERGROUND и вставил в обычную игру. В пак входят: Vice City Socialite Underground Socialite Liberty City Socialite. Особенности: Не портят атмосферу ...
Buckingham Swift - a luxurious helicopter from Grand Theft Auto V (from the GTA Online update: "New adventures of bandits and swindlers" / Further Adventures in Finance and Felony). - replaces Maverick (ID 487) ; - 3-color painting (8 sets) ; - ...
3cy Sdkfz 7/1 germany 41 years old col there is destructibility replacing flatbed author:enzor666 GMS studio Attention!!! This file is an exclusive site and P.S. the mods of the author of enzor666 and GMS can be...
Western Star 49x 2020 V2.0 Features: - Qualitative model; - High-quality textures; - Supports the main functions of the game. - Working panel; - Working doors; - Quality management; - Good interior; - Adaptation to ImVehSys 1.0; - Adaptation to ...
Pegassi Torero for GTA San Andreas. Created on the basis of Lamborghini Countach. Features: Running steering wheel and vibrating engine (vehfuncs); Preserved the original styling of GTA San Andreas; Made using Blender and original in-game ma...