Всем привет! Представляю вам пак такси. В состав входят: Vice City Taxi, Liberty City Taxi, Bully Taxi, Midway City Taxi и Cottonmouth City Taxi. Эти машины я достал из GTA UNDERGROUND и вставил в обычную игру. Особенности: Не портят атмосферу ...
IMPORTANT : For the model to work, scripts are needed (they are in the archive). Model features: - Original engine RB26DETT, detailed study - yonebayashi; - Original salon, detailed study; - Original wheels - excellidor; - IVF (all lights on); - Ve...
Model features: - The model supports the basic functions of the game; - Adapted for ImVehFt; - 3D model of good quality; - Detailed study of the interior; - Customized collision; - Functioning steering wheel; - Working speedometer; - Hands on the s...
Features: - The model supports the basic functions of the game; - High-quality envelope from GTA 5; - License plate in the style of GTA SA; - Customized collision; - Your own shadow; - Functioning flashers and strobe lights; - The model is compatib...