BMW M8 Competition for your GTA San Andreas. Vehicle adapted to: State. Signs (license_frame/number) Vinyls (remap) Turners (leftflash, rightflash,shader_turn_left_0, shader_turn_right_0) Reverse (shader_rear_0) Optics (vehiclelights128)...
Features: ☆ - Supports the main functions of the game ☆ - Custom settings available ☆ - Steering wheel is on the right ☆ - High quality models and textures ☆ - Own shadow ☆ - Adapted to IVF ☆ - Adapted to AMS ☆ - Well-designed interior Vehicle for...
FAP Trashmaster for GTA San Andreas. Features: - Textured hood. - Your shadow. - Realistic VehicleLights. - Your settings. - Reflections with ENB. - Optimized for weak PCs. - Works in SAMP and MTA. Have a good game!...
Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Off Road for your GTA San Andreas. Features: quality model; High-quality textures; Working optics; Excellent adaptation to ENB. Have a good game! ...
GTA V Declasse Mamba [VehFuncs|IVF|Liveries] Особенности: - Хорошая модель; - Неплохие текстуры; - Поддерживает основные функции игры; - Есть покрасочные работы; - Адаптация к InVehFt; - Адаптация к VehFuncs; - Номер в стиле SA; - Противотуманны...