Всем привет. Представляю вам не большой пак самолетов AT-400. Эти самолеты я достал из GTA UNDERGROUND и вставил в обычную игру. Особенности: Не портят атмосферу игры. Хорошее качество текстур. SA Style. Есть модели для Андроид. Отличная...
Datsun 240Z (Fairlady) [LQ] for GTA San Andreas. The engine compartment was completely redone, the rear and front suspension were made, the interior and body were redone, the optics and reflections were redesigned, the wheels were replaced, damage w...
Hello everyone!!! I present to you the new 2016 Dodge Charger from the game Forza Horizon. Let's move on to the features of the model: - HQ quality of the model (interior and body); - Support for IVF and Active Dashboard; - There are models of damage...