The second no less high-quality and original model is all from the same JVT. Imagine, late in the evening you were impatient to get, suppose, from one end of the city to the other, you take out a mobile phone, dial a taxi, order ... And the HUMMER H...
Classic Pontiac car. The model is made in quite good quality. The main point of transport can be identified, cast wheels, which are in good harmony with the body.
And this is our most luxurious Lamborghini model. The body, wheels, in general, speaking, almost the entire car is painted exclusively in gold. Dedicated to connoisseurs of gold.
Not a bad model of a five-door minivan brand Citroen. If you are a fan of completely replacing the original transport in the game, then do not pass by this model!
A good envelope from the last part of the best racing simulator Need For Speed, which, by the way, will soon get a sequel. And this means that fans of modding will once again drag new cars into San Andreas, and maybe, what the hell is not joking, ev...