2005 Honda Civic. Replaces Sentinel, the author of the file did not make settings for it Handling.cfg, carcols.dat, vehicles.ide, so the installation is simplified: just replace the files in gta3.img with files from the archive.
I present to you my new vinyl. This time it is made in the style of my favorite Russian drift team "Toy Sport Team". I did it from a photo (it was difficult), but still I did it. It may not look like much, but it still turned out very beautiful! PS: ...
The mod brings a new convertible into the game. Replaces Yosemite (Yoshmit- One of the pickups in the game). I created this model completely from scratch, without drawings, etc. The body shape is completely original and has no analogues, because I d...
- 3 passenger seats; - semi-deaf toning; - thresholds + handrails on the roof; - reinforced kenguryatnik; - Protection systems against radio-controlled objects ("Veil") + communications ("Kavkaz"); - red and blue flashing lights on the roof;...