Porsche 911. No wonder this car has so many fans. Recognizable classic sports coupe design, powerful engines, excellent handling - all this, of course, makes the Porsche 911 GT3 RS an excellent car. - Correct ...
The second version of the Belarusian motorcycle "Minsk" this time is the 3.113 CuscomRide model. It took a lot of time to create the model, the bike was made completely from scratch. Features -CJ's hands are on the steering wheel. -Reflections from E...
Here is my exclusive Elegy, very high quality! Made in a minimalist style, that is, without unnecessary details, which accordingly does not change its standard Handling! In general, download, comment, wait for new models.
"Only one thing makes the fulfillment of a dream impossible - it is the fear of failure" (P. Coelho "The Alchemist") Indeed, I thought that I would not be able to make quality vinyl. And, as you understand, I can’t judge myself, so it’s up to you...
The 1938 Buick Y-Job is the world's first concept car, which was originally created to demonstrate new ideas and radical solutions, and not to be launched into series. The model is available in two versions - with normal damage and with complete dam...
I present to your attention my vinyl called Toxic Danger, which means "Toxic Danger" Toxic Danger - Green color and danger sign. Here's the theme of the vinyl. Vinyl is very bright, which means you will not be bored while riding through the expanses ...